
What's really different?

On the occasion of a Friday, I thought I'd share a realization that surprised me. It happened about a week after the honeymoon.

For about a year, I grew my hair out for the wedding, something that still kind of perplexes me. You see, I cut my hair in college and vowed I'd never go long again. I did end up with a gorgeous updo for the day, and long hair in a ponytail in the Bahamas was fun. Once our gifts were put away and life was readjusting to normal, though, I knew the heavy, unruly hair just needed to GO. I made a lunch-hour appointment for a hot, sunny June Friday, and returned to work about 9 inches lighter. (See below.)
I've written before about "ah-ha" moments with this whole being married thing. One thing people say before you get married is, "Do you think it will be different (when you're married)?" And my answer is "yes, of course!" But I think driving back to the office with my sunroof open and the wispy strands blowing in my face, I felt something. Up until this 10 minutes I spent in the car with my new hair, I just wasn't sure things had changed. Suddenly, I felt released. I thought, "Holy cow. I'm not growing my hair out anymore. It's over! I'm free! We're married! Things are different!"

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